he wouldn't have wandered into the crosshairs of the priests because, compared to how the pharisees are criticizing the priests, what jesus doing... is doing is fairy minimal. if he had been complaining about the priests, or criticizing them, or criticizing the way the temple was being run, this would just... it's business as usual. this is... this is one of the aspects of being a jew. >> another possibility, though, is that jesus sounds more like the essenes, who were really criticizing the whole way the temple is run as having become too worldly, too caught up in the money of the day, or maybe just too roman. and if that's the case, then his action looks much more like an act of political subversion. >> try and imagine the temple for what it was. it was both the house of god and the seat of collaboration. it was the high priest caiaphas who had to collaborate with the roman occupation. now, how would jesus, as a gallilean peasant, see the temple? i think with ferocious ambiguity. on the one hand, it was the seat of god, and you would die to defend it from, say, a roman emperor like ca