heroine cut with offender till -- phenotyl has been response will for a rash of overdoses around the country. tragically when a batch has killed someone it is often what attracts antics to it because it will deliver an extremely potent high. it is obvious that the solution to this problem must have to do with access as well as enforcement. this legislation will take a number of important steps to combine the heroine epidemic. for example the link between prescription opioids and heroine by requiring the department of health and human services to convene a task force and develop best practices for pain management and prescribing prescription jugs. the legislation also authorizes grants to provide for alternatives to incarceration for veterans as well as those individuals with a substance to abuse disorder, mental illness or both. finally, it would be a priority to award grants to those states that provide civil liability protection for first responders and family members administrating. to counteract opioid overdoses. i also introduce the bipartisan reform act, the safer justice act.