several pills from hisses straits were count countser fit drugs and they contained powerful opiate phentenal. man wrist pills were found inside aspirin and vitamin bottles and tucked in a suitcase and duvrle bag and in a dressing room. >> hundreds of folks gathered in south jersey today for the largest animal rescue of the entire year. animal aid usa brought more than 380 shelter animals from georgia to marlton. local families and adoption agencies are saving these animals from being euthanizeed and veterinarians gave all of the animals a clean bill of health. more than 14,000 animals saved hins aid usa were founded in 2 2012. >> and children all ready for the new school year in chester, delaware county, hundreds of boys and girls picked up new backpacks today. they're excited about that. and the betterer living setser hosted 11th annual chester community fair and book bag give away and fair included basic health screenings as swelling. >> it was art class meets gym class philadelphia mills mall. more than 2,000 people took part in color vibe 5k race and families dressed up exercised and got