phil braunstein joins me tonight with more. your article is fascinating not only for the details it has about the raid that killed bin laden, but also what this navy s.e.a.l. is nation once he leaves. i didn't realize he wasn't eligible for v.a. benefits for the rest of his life. >> well, he's not. he's eligible for one thing. that is, the v.a. has five years of free medical care for the vet. not for the family. it's care, not insurance. the fact is a huge number of people including the shooter don't know it exists because the dod does a very poor job of letting them know. >> but this navy s.e.a.l. who has had this incredible career leaves with no pension, no health insurance. and not for his family. >> no health insurance, certainly, for himself and his family. and no protection, which is really one of the big issues because it's entirely possible his name could come out. matts by onnette wrote a book. within days his picture was on a jihadi website. and all the command told this shooter was is we have a witness protection pro