trying to convince me to call the police, and she said, we can bring district attorney here, phil brownstein, the chief of police, she also mentioned pamela harris an also mentioned gavin newsom as her friends and someone who is going to help to do everything against ross. and also she was repeating in our conversation in january 4 and why i was -- the only way i could get out of her house, was saying i have to call my dad is because she was telling me, screw him. at that moment, actually, i didn't know what that means. but looks to me so suspicious that she knowing how hard we were working, even me campaigning with ross without any money, she was calling ross' political enemies. and everyone knows, even me, that i was not really involved, i was helping just giving papers and telling the people vote for the sheriff, but even me, i know that gavin newsom, pamela harris, they were supporting the other candidate and they were putting a lot of money against ross. so what i'm going to think. immediately i realized i cannot draft her. and also was something that was very shock to me, when i was le