much of the small town of phil campbell, alabama, was leveled. 26 were killed there.ut there were also incredible stories of survival ta came out of that day. here's our story. >> reporter: on the 27th of april in phil campbell, alabama, the winds, 210 miles an hour strong, hard to believe anyone could have survived. when michelle and amanda jones we are last here she was five months pregnant and they were huddled on a corner on their knees praying for god to spare them and their unborn child from the tornado that ripped them from their home. >> the entire time, i kept, you know, thinking to myself, i need to put myself in fetal position, you know, to at least save my baby. >> 26 people lost their lives that day and renee ber whiry, amanda's 52-year-old mother was one of them. >> i was trying to hold on to him and mama held on to me and it took her away. and when she left me she told me she said -- and i didn't get to tell her i loved her too. >> reporter: the family was right in the path of the storm and when it passed, michelle was unconscious after a flying piece o