a close friend and undescribable loss for co- author phil hamman. "being on basketball teams with him, baseball teams with him, overnights with him, treating with him," added hamman. "i think it's satisfying that i can bring to the readers who those victims," said hamman. a lot of the research was done by hamman's co- author and wife, sandy. "we really had to sift through that information together and decide what are going to throw out," said sandy hamman. "that took a lot of time on what t wanted to include." what was address that in the book." the motive of the fryer brothers, who were convicted of murdering the teens. all serving life sentences in fort dodge and fort madison, iowa. a place cheskey visited. "she wanted to confront them on some issues," said hamman. "she was able to do that and it's going to be revealed in this book." the book was released nationally on january 12th. a portion of the proceeds the hamman's say will go to the council on sexual assualt and domestic violence and sandra cheskey. in studio, sam curtiss, ktiv news four. >>