and phil hoff said you know what? maybe we need a change in the white house and maybe we should be looking at somebody like bobby kennedy rather than lyndon johnson. but i know, senator leahy, you were involved in some of that as a young man. mr. leahy: i was and i recall, mr. president, when phil hoff came out against the war in vietnam and he was in the minority in that. no member of the vermont congressional delegation had voted against the war in vietnam. they voted for all the increases in it. he was in some ways a lonely voice, but he did come out against it, angered lyndon johnson who was then president, but then he supported robert kennedy, as did i. i remember the two of us meeting one of your predecessors on the runway, mr. president, one of your predecessors on the runway at the airport in burlington, vermont, senator edward kennedy to go and speak to a group he and governor hoff, myself and others on behalf of robert kennedy, bobby kennedy. i remember the look of sorrow on governor hoff's face as he stood