professional hunter tony de braun on his american clients are looking for a golden will to beast it phil kloppenburg succeeds in killing the animal he will paid professional hunter 6 $1500.00 for it kloppenburg is one of the estimated $8600.00 trophy hunters who visit south africa each year. having in south africa has made more variety of animals much different than what we have in this united states so it's a much different style of hiding in the united states trophy hunting alone generates an estimated 600 $94000000.00 because according to a 2018 report by the department of environmental affairs we look for the old. that is not breeding anymore and that's not going to leave the in other words i'm not going to expose the conservation value of brea they've done everything that was supposed to do on this earth now they're going to america. the game industry in south africa has mushroomed over the past 20 years after legislation was passed in 1901 the permitted the private ownership of game animals. since then the number of private game farms has risen from 3500 in 1902 to over 10000 farms in operatio