what gave me comfort was i was able to see phil simmons 48 hours after and he was able to tell me, it wasn't my fault. the bowler in this instance wouldn't have been able to do that. hughes didn't make a recovery, wasn't able to talk to him. so my thoughts go out to him as welling because whether he will come back from this, abbott, or not -- prnlly, i don't think he'll play cricket again. >> that's desperately difficult. it's very interesting the way you had a chance to make amends almost, but to see that the batsman was okay. let's be honest, you were a very quick bowler. and you knew that a bouncer would soften up a batsman possibly. that's part of your armory. a purpose of the game. so how does it work, that you're prepared to take that, to do that, but of course there are these sorts of risks involved. >> of course there are. i don't think any fast bowler that walks out of there are looking to inflict danger on someone for them to actually end up in hospital and lose their life. it's a part of the game. as you say, you use it to rough up a batsman, to make them feel unsetted, and