he is talented and there is a team at the state department plus the ambassador phil verveer working on this, regardless whether there is a head of delegation. i don't want that to be a distraction. there is no sunlight between republicans, democrats, left, right and center, ngos or government on this issue so i think it's important to stick to the substance. we have six months before dubai but more importantly we have years to go, we need to make this a standing coalition of coalitions to make sure that the internet is governed by multi-stakeholder model and not by a top-down intergovernmental regime. and i would let dr. beaird speak about the majority aspect but historically the itu has been governed by consensus but there is a concern when you see the thrust of some ideas, a general sense being adopted by large voting blocs, some are in this room but shall remain nameless, were telling me late last year there were maybe up to 90 countries out of the 193 who were supportive in general of granting the itu more authority in this area. if we don't sign on to the treaty we don't abide by