museum as part of our ongoing arts and culture series, "canvas." >> brown: it's usually the stuff of sci-fi films, booksbund cartoonsnow, the future is on display at a new design exhibition at the philadelphiaum of art. thy hiesinger is co-curator of" designs for different futures." >>he idea of the show is to make us think of, you know, who we relate to each other and to the world around us, and what th means in terms of both design and the future. >> bwn: but why is design a good way to explorthe future? >> design today now encompasses more than making chairs or simple physicaobjects. designers collaborate, as the show demonstrates, with scientists, with anthropologists, with sociologists, with biochemists, across allields. >> brown: divided into 11 innovative ideas, often mixing high tech with the natural world: textiles made of seaweed, artificial organ implants, even a robotic baby feeder. it offers hope, inspires fear, and asks ethical questions about the choices involved. how will our clothes be made? who will be watcng us? mand, how might we hide f surveillance? how and what will we eat? that was the focus for orkan telhan, an artist and designer at the university of pennsylvania. h