. >> what is your guess, one of the three senate buildings is named after philip a. hart from michigan. it is richard russell from georgia, every door and from georgia, and philip a. hart. what would he think? he was not officially the conscience of the senate, but that is what everyone called him. what would you think of this? -- what would heat think of this? >> i cannot help but imagine that he would think it was bizarre. >> where did the idea come from? there are corporate pacs. they were created because the courts andthe law says that corporations cannot give money to politicians. -- to elect politicians. so corporations decided to form groups of officials, officers and their corporations. they pay them well enough so thatthey got money paid back into the political organization that they formed and is directed by the corporation and that gives this money to these individuals to help them get elected. -- to get reelected. it is a way around of the rules. that is one category of political action ccmmittees. another category is a party affiliated committees. these are e