and louis vii had not been able to produce a male heir and when he did in 1165, it was philip augustust was a celebration of his own heir, his male heir, the only one he could produce by this chartrine woman, that led him to wish to have this monument and to connect it to the feast of the assumption which was close to the time when his male heir was born. so much of the music is written for the virgin mary that we have studied and it was there at the cathedral of notre dame that musicians learned how to write down precise rhythms for music, for musical repertoire. so the place of this cathedral as a cradle of our musical guild is very much tied to the innovations that the composers of the notre dame school in the late 12th and 13th centuries lead and it's music that went throughout all of europe so for those of us who study european music, it's absolutely crucial. we find evidence of it in scotland, we find it in germany, we find fragments of this particular notation going out throughout europe. and the music is glorious, of course, and so those of us who studied music history, that's