and there is a compilation of his work called the complete works of john smith by philip barber we use quite a bit. there were other eyewitnesss, like, other eyewitness accounts, people who were here and they're writing letters back. the communications between the colony and england were really censored very strongly. i mean, the company -- virginia company did not want any negative news to get out. i mean, a little bit did. but they really -- we don't know how many letters got shredded, you know, that they just didn't make it through because they had such negative comments. so, we do have some records. and we know events. we know when ships are arriving. we know from where they're coming. and, you know, it's kind of spotty evidence, but the artifacts in some cases are illustrating what we know from the records, but in other cases they're bringing up questions of things that were not really addressed in the records. one instance of that, for instance, is children. children don't get recorded because they're not considered important enough. women rarely do as well. but in this early con