philip caputo thanks for your time."the war room"'s other political comedian jprinceton grad jeff chrysler will join us to wrap things up. so stick around. >> michael: i cannot imagine a less republican place than "the war room"'s home of san francisco. 49 years ago, however, that was not the case. and in tonight's trivia we look back to the convention of 1964, held right here in the bay area. that's right. they nominated in bagdad by the bay. and on july 16th, 1964 which is 49 years ago yesterday, berry goldwater accepted the nomination. he turned back the o'clock of their party. new york governor william miller was the party's vice president nominee, miller is the father of my colleague at current tv stephanie miller. the republicans had an anti come mist platform that refused to repudiate the ku klux klan. he only won his home state and four deep southern ones. he offered these words about his party. [ applause ] >> this is a party, this republican party is a party for free men, not for blind followers, and not for c