first one, philip geronimo, pm. at&t, ex-ron, exc, dow chemical, bow, and dow chemical. >> jersey is the heart of good stock picking. look what the man has philip geronimo. someone downgraded this yesterday. that was a major mistake. they should do more homework, a terrific quarter. it yields 5, under 3, i want to buy it. at&t, good quart e i didn't think as good as horizon. they do have the iphone. dow chemical, how could i not recommend it when i pulled them off the wall of chain. i should have pulled the trigger. exelon, power of dominance. alcoa, aluminum company, telco company, call it tobacco food for a moment, and utility. congratulations! both players made it look easy, i congratulate them. that is how you play the game! stay with cramer! >> cramer has gone mobile. get "mad money" on your mobile phone. cramer's top stories, "lightening round" 2 go. "mad money" videos. >>> i'm pronouncing the great fertilizer depression over and telltu buy it. there's always a bull market somewhere, i promise to try to find i