in the next hour use eclipse with philip joyce, author of "the congressional budget office." david wessel, author of "red ink: inside the high-stakes politics of the federal budget," and oklahoma senator tom coburn, author of "the debt bomb" and breach of trust. we begin with philip joyce author of "the congressional budget office: honest numbers, power, and policymaking." the former cbo analyst and current professor of management, finance and leadership at the university of maryland recounts the formation of the congressional budget office in 1974. its internal operation and the nonpartisan economic and budget information it provides to congress. >> when was the cbo form? >> it was formed in 1974. it was, in fact, a reaction to some of the received deficits while they were accesses by the nixon administration it was part of an effort by the congress to try to reassert its role in the budget process. and as important that they created the budget committees and the budget resolution but if you're going to be equal players in the budget process they needed to have the own budge