and so the interesting thing of visionaries like the original philip k. dick and like dmitry is be defining what might happen in a way, by speculating about what could happen you are providing a road map of dreams that influences the development of science and technology and sometimes realizes that dream. >> rose: tell me, what can you do -- is there anything you wanted to show us about philip. can dick? >> well, phil can see faces, so he's got cameras in the eyes and so in this lighting he has to be fairly close but once he gets you then he can track your face around pretty effectively. we also have a system that allows him to analyze your face for facial expressions and then with the facial expressions on his face he can either mimic your facial expressions -- >> rose: so if you smile he can smile? >> right, exactly. and he can sort of analyze and he can use those in the course of conversation to regulate that conversation. so there are many capabilities, human like in a sense, capabilities in the world of robotics but stitching these things together into in