paul grimaldi, peter kaufman, philip kaufman. you're the owner of the property.ou get an opportunity to speak at rebuttal. howard epstein, robert funston, and robert lozano. >> clerk: just to be clear, any party that's a party with the d.r. requesters or mitigated negative declaration cannot speak during this period. this is intended purely for members of the public. >> president melgar: so is that clear? this is for members of the public, people who are not d.r. requesters, but you will get an opportunity to speak after this. go ahead. >> good evening. my name is dan heffernan. we are uphill from the coxhead house. all we got was 2 feet, and we went through 18 months of -- i didn't think we were going to defend it, but the cow hollow guidelines, which we took very seriously, and we're very pleased that we did. that's my first point, that we've done this, and the design guidelines are very important, particularly when i think back to this earlier this afternoon, when you were talking about changing things to improve quality. here, we're just asking you to keep th