philip knight.he's light years ahead thinking about a lot of this stuff. >> it's interesting to know that what you are suggesting is that behavior can be transformed, transformational, outside after being in virtual-reality and then coming outside. at stanford, the quarterbacks did virtual-reality to look at various defenses. was that jeremy's lab? which was very productive for the quarterbacks. i know in medicine too, it's being used for doctors doing various procedures as you suggested this cardiac surgeon. the behavior on theoutside with reality is improved and enhanced . that's pretty phenomenal when we think of the ramifications there was i thinking that. >> i think in both of those cases and even what we were talking about meditation. it's the benefit of distilling the benefits of thousands of hours of trial and error into, do it, reset. that's what's amazing about the football training technology. a quarterback in a regular football practice. you set up a play, you run it. you get back into p