and we're back with philip kopp lawyer father of modern marketing mr cotler here is it a question maybe a bit of a philosophical question but i'm sure you thought of it as well as he in recent years i've noticed that and correct me if i'm wrong there's a shift in people spending happy it's like before people really wanted to buy an old stuff to feel happy or right to feel better about themselves now they need stuff yeah yeah yeah to to to to to feel established you need to have stuff now the focus is shifting on buying and living and experience not stuff and experience so instead of buying let's say a flat screen people now book a trip overseas and instead of a new car they sign up for a university course right candice a new value that's put on the experience help the global economy while the demand for stocks is going down. i like that idea it means that we don't have to produce so much physical stuff which requires ruining the earth basically by taking resources many of which can't be replaced later and making salad things soap experience is by the rate we are this also happens with e