philip lind was once seriously hurt when he missed the targee."a brannh from a tree puncture me, come phrouuh this pelvvs and eviscerate me, and portunaaely, the person i was working with wassa ttained &pparamedic."the smoke jumpers ppt out the fires by clearing ffels with their equipment ann digging fire lines, also wildfires in their tracks. he they have to get along with each other because their lives depend on relying on each other "are there times where youure fearful?""most certainly. i moment wwen they're fearffl. we like to say courrgg is not the aasence of fear, but the making of accion in spitt of &pshortage f actiin this fire seeson.-----end----- cnn.script----- that fire in colorado started pn june 23rd......and invvstigators are still trying to figure out what started it. coming up in our 6 o'clock hhur... we draw the winner of a 250 dollar giant gift ccrd minutes.stay tuned to see if we call yyur name. name.and ext.... good news for the orioles.nick markakis is on his way back...when the o'ssright fielder will return... next in sport