would anger the liberals but greatly pleased are inexpensive waste of time such as landowner philip merrick's who lives near little cheney caught wind farm the locals were united against it every single democratically local organization that's the councils were against it but of course the developers very careful they dished out a lot of money to locals and of course that bought a bit of support amazingly wind farms have got a p.r. . campaign behind them but people do think seem to think that they're helpful to the environment which of course they're not this one's been open since two thousand and eight and during that time output has improved but it's coming from a pretty low base but only twenty one and a half percent capacity in its first year to just twenty six percent last year there are twenty six wind turbines behind me each one of which costs in the region of two million pounds to erect according to locals we've come on a good day all the wind turbines are currently working usually they say that's not the case and a lot of the time they're just standing there. and that's the rub peopl