because you don't -- i don't invest in things like philip morris i don't invest in things like no norvoal ethics. i won't do it. >> jillian, the gop drug called it a revolution in terms of helping people with obesity issues, has proven to not only have a change in terms of their daily lives but there's an economic impact in the country from this. i realize you're gutting it out every day on the bikes and what not, but is it a function of that you think people should just be in the gym working harder? >> i -- gosh, i don't know how much time we have to get into it, but the long and short is i do not see this drug as a solution in any way, shape, or form i think bill maher put it best, like a mail-order bride. all your friends are going to be jealous for a year until she kills you. i don't think that there's any permanent solution there for people again, i could get into it, but we need a bit more time. oh, and here's one for you in 2005, the ceo of novo nordisk said there's no business for novo in this area. obesity is social and cultural and they fired him so no, it's a no no >> novo no