salt the startup wants to make fresh water for regions where it's scarce engineer and physicist philip plunkett will be using this salt solution to extract water from the air there. are new salt into the unit and are keen to see how much water our evaporator can produce we've tested it in the lab now it's for real. the new process could bring much needed drinking water to the world's arid regions . engineer spend half in a is helping to test the pilot unit in germany the basic principle behind extracting water from air is a simple one. a concentrated salt solution absorbs moster from the surrounding air the resulting more tie loop solution is then heated using solar energy to evaporate the water. that water vapor then condenses yielding distilled water the salt solution is also used as a coolant during the condensation phase. this eliminates the need for a separate cooling system and helps reduce costs. and has applied for a patent for this invention. on top of the container is the absorber unit it brings the salt solution into contact with the air. as if it is us you can hear the salt solution