philip rucker?: this illuminates one of the stories in the gun debate. the divide is much more geographic than partisan. it is really that people in urban and suburban areas are more likely to support stricter gun control, and people that live in rural areas where it might take a long time for a police officer to come to their home, or the use guns to fend off a lease or other predators or other-- coyotes predators, they feel the need to have these guns. host: chris, massachusetts. independent. caller: how are you doing? host: good. caller: first, thank you for having the show. i'm a 20-year-old college student and i recently started watching. i come from a liberal state, so guns is something i am not really too familiar with or even interested in, but i think it is very interesting that the public discourse seems to be around individuals and their rights to bear arms and how we are going to stop individuals from getting guns, but what about the companies that actually manufacture the guns? there ar