, this film was also in the part nominations, i want to say that from philip sotnichenko, this is hisilip sotnichenko is nominated both for the best director nominations and for the best film, i want to say that a lot was expected from him, because he, as the author of the short film, showed well, very, very high, very good, and this first full-length film that philip made, it has already been rated highly enough by my fellow film critics and cinematographers, so remember philip svetnichenko's film at the palisade, be sure to watch it at remember the last name of philip sutnichenko, and i think that he has a very big future. this is exactly the director for whose work money needs to be allocated from the state budget, because he and the way he is contribute to the national culture. well, that's all i have, vasyl, i give you my word. thank you very much, lina, lina chevchenina told us about the awarding of the kinoccolo prize , and we have literally a few more minutes, now they will tell me exactly how many, well, up to two minutes, in order to, in order to to talk and then pass it on