philipp spspeaking french] [speaking french] all: saalam alaikum. [prayer continues] [sppeaking french] [rititual continues] [speaking french] [overlapping conversation] [speaking frenchch] narrator: and over a million square kilometers of sea, the seychelles, , tourist paradise d haven for fish. woman: w we depend on our marire resoururce for everything. we don't have anything without that. narrator: the ocean--a lifeline to the islands' people. but for how much longer? woman: there e has been a riisen ocean temperatature, a and thenu lose t the corals s because theu enend up wiwith dead corals. narrator: coral crusaders saving their reefs and their future for genenerations to come. sylvanna antat:the seychelles, with the resources that we have, the m marine resources, t that's what we have, th'' allll we haveve, really. and we depepd on our mamarine resouource for everyrything, whehether it's economic c activitieses or for tourism and fisisheries. and we d don'tt have anything without t that. i realized itit was imporortanto conserve the ocean whe