a former member of staff turned whistleblower and told the philippine national police and the cyber crime group how the scheme operated. the police then spent months gathering evidence before moving in and shutting the operation down. they money for people who are showing interest to invest so they receive emails that if they want the best they can they they can provide assistance such first day we offer. minimum of two hundred fifty dollars us dollars us as the start of the investment they will see their money growing from day to day and when they show interest on investing more does the find that they will for that's. the people accused of running the scam come from israel and twenty sixteen they set up the call center in the philippines called marketing the operators allegedly persuaded elderly people in south africa new zealand and australia to invest in nonexistent assets and in the process gained access to their bank details money from the scam ended up in a bank account in denmark none of it has been returned. in a moment it took time for some of the cole center operators to realis