conference who was openly advocating the death penalty for homosexuality, another pastor named phillip caser you might that name because during the last presidential election, the ron paul campaign proudly touted phillip caser's support on their website for a while until somebody dug up a pamphlet written by mr. kayer is which called for executing gay people in america because of biblical law. the paul campaign promptly scrubbed than dorzment from the website, the pam threat exists and phillip kayer is was at this national religious liberties conference last weekend attended by these three republican presidential candidates, he was manning a table there he was handing out his pamphlet. a reporter from right wing watch wrote about seeing him there, sent us a photo of it, helpfully, geotagged at the des moines city center on friday morning around the time that mike huckabee was on stage with the kill the gays pastor guy. here's just a sampling from the pamphlet, "it is not just the sinfulness of homosexuality that is known but also the justice of the death penalty for homosexuality." "the resu