. >>> in a surprised move, convicted sex offender phillip garrdio pleaded not guilty. garrido was expected to plead guilty instead his attorney set a motion to set aside the grand jury inindictment for her client. garrido's codefendant, his wife nancy garrido also entered a not guilty plea. the two are also accused of holding dugard hostage for 18 years. the next hearing has been scheduled for may fifth. -- may 5th. >>> ktvu's rob roth with frustrated officers who are counting down until a new high tech system is put in place. >> reporter: many officers tell us they never know when they get into those cars whether the police radios will actually work. >> it's a lifeline for us. it's critically important that it's operational. >> reporter: just before 8:00 this morning it happened again. the radio systems to the police and fire departments crashed and stayed crashed for more than 90 minutes. officers could not communicate with dispatchers or each other. the fire department used a back up system. police used a contingency plan. >> we used alternative means of communicati