first, phillip kline author of "overcoming obamacare." he moderates a panel discussion on what can be done to reverse the affordable care act. then louisiana governor bobby jindal provides commentary on the aca and answers questions from audience members. >> i just wanted to start with some brief opening comments to frame today's discussion. when it comes to health care, those on the right are often defined more by what they're against than by what they're for. the truth is that there have been a lot of plans that have been offered on right as alternatives to obamacare, but there hasn't been any agreement on any single proposal. but that may be about to change. a combination of the republican takeover of the senate, a looming supreme court decision and the white house race are putting more pressure than ever before on republicans to offer some sort of alternative to obamacare. but before they could get to any sort of agreement, there are some fundamental philosophical disagreements that need to be worked out about how to get and move the