phillip randolph and walter white and leaders from the urban league to discuss this, it's the impact same day that the tripact is announced. germany, russia, and japan have signed a pact to come against us. when randolph and company come, they come in a meeting eleanor has facilitated and have a list of seven demands. of those demands, four are met. full enat the grags of the service is not met, obviously. because that's left for truman to do. but the steps that fdr does take i think are not just in yes mental, but a slap in the face. he has gotten rave reviews for changing his cabinet and bringing in a new secretary of war and a new secretary of the navy. republicans, a bipartisan cabinet and absolutely adamantly opposed to any activity that will advance negros through the rank s simson says leadership i not embedded in the negro race. he's secretary of the war. the secretary of the navy cox -- i mean knox, says he will resign if, in fact this happens. so what does fdr do? he brings the dean of the howard law school in to be stemson's aide. he reports an african-american colonel to