as cellmates phillip stroud and curtis mcgroan just found out.heir larger corner cell to a smaller one on the other side of the unit. >> why did they move you out of the corner area? >> did you see the dude that's in that sell now? he's about this big. >> he's a little bit bigger. i think he needed that cell a little bit more than we did. >> they moved you out of that cell because there was a bigger guy moving in? >> yeah, i think it was a handicapped cell. and we're both kind of small. well, i'm a little bit bigger than him. but the guy that's bigger than me, he needed that cell more than me. because they looked like they was in a matchbox when we moved in here. >> but for stroud the only thing that has changed is the view. >> to me it's all prison. you know, that's how i look at it. whether the cell was ten times this size or it was half of this size, you know, i might have been in worse situations. and i just look at it like we're still in prison, we still can't go home. the only environment that really matters is the environment right here. y