so it became, oh, you're either defending the police oryou're defending phillippannell.he probably hadproblems with the police r: but this isstill no reason to shoot him in theback and kill him. mike: in assessingwhat happened here. it's important to talkabout what we call the battle of the photographs ofphillip pannell at thenewspaper. the photograph thatwe received from the police departmentwas a mug shot. this became a pointof controversy. natacha: that's all myfamily and my mother, everybody was seeing justthat mug shot of my brother. and in that mug shot, his face, he looked older than what he wasbecause his his eye was black. and then he had likelumps on his forehead. mike: the familyobjected to that. and so they gave usa picture of phillip when he was alittle bit younger, was one of thoseschool pictures. the police departmentobjected to that. they said, well, he'slooking too much like a choirboy. that's notaccurate either. and this was always a tension that really kind of separatedboth sides in a really big way. walter: to see a 16 year oldboy's mug shot sends a p