but yet phillis wheatley learned to read latin. at some point as a teenager probably with the wheatleys' encouragement phillis took up her pen and began to compose poetry. the wheatleys were stunned by phillis's gift and began to seek publication for her works in newspapers. one of her poems on george whitfield, the itinerant minister, was published, and it gains widespread attention, both in the british colonies and in england. so phillis wheatley, then, was actually gaining fame as a poet in the years just prior to the american revolution, or to the declaration of american independence. the wheatleys actually believed that phillis's work should be published as a book. and they tried to find an american publisher for her work without success. so in may of 1773 they sent phillis along with their son to england. there phillis wheatley made contacts with many notable people who were supportive of her talents and impressed by they are abilities. she gained a patroness, the countess of huntington, who sponsored the publication of her bo