dropped it off it was reported on that already in 2018 in cape town things like washing your car phineas finn in full if i'm letting fountains run are still restricted in 28 if it even 1st day when the city would have been forced to turn of the tops to prevent that now you have town is not investing heavily in water management. at some plates the construction works are in full swing the west water treatment facility on the outskirts of camp town is currently being upgraded financed through in on by the german development bank for some fleece the upgrade is long over due the form on top of the wish to water is a clear sign that the plant is struggling currently the progress designed to treat 72000000 liters of water. flowing into the plant is on average about 90 may so you can see that the problem is overloaded in terms of the amount of flow that's to receiving the neighboring suburb of a little share is growing rapidly as are most major around kept town but this is not the only challenge for the metropolitan. flashback to 2018 due to a severe drought kept on dams had run dry residents queued