. >> senator sanders, i want to turn to phizel, a doctor who is here with his wife and he's kind enough. because he speaks five languages fluently which makes us bilinguals feel bad enough all of a sudden, he's kind enough to do this in english. >> senator sanders, i'm a physician. we did a lot of volunteer work in town. we try tirelessly to serve humanity every day. >> thank you. >> we're also proud, peace loving american muslims. we're the parents of two children. we're very concerned about the safety of our children with the islamaphobia that's rampant right now. as president, how would you address this? >> bluntly and directly. this country's greatest relied on the history. we have welcomed people into this country. my dad came from poland at the age of 17. people can disagree about immigration and immigration reform. i believe we need comprehensive immigration reform. it's absolutely unacceptable to me that in the year 2016, we have people like donald trump and others who are trying to gain votes by scapegoating people who may be muslims or people who may be latinos. that's unaccep