and musician and have done some small events with phonobar and known chuck and tom and come here saying their character is solid. they have followed tli every time i have done an event and a hard stop at 10:00. and they have a decibel counter to the point where i have got strict warnings to be under 90. and generally speaking, i think they really have taken serious what you guys have implied with the limited permit. to the support of the school that i work for, they have made us the beneficiary of their donations and events that they have done, which i thought was really great. personally they have donated a tremendous amount just out of the goodness of their hearts, so i think that generally they are trying to do something that is good for the community and good for the music community. i would also say, too, that the clientele they are going for tends to be more of a sophisticated audiophile and just in that general nature and people tend to be more respectful and also tend to be a little bit older. so if you approve this, inevitably, you would be adding to the babysitting industry wh