nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. there will be a three number ratio, the ratio of those three elements. he is one of the ones that encourages us to think of fertilizer as more like vitamins then food. the humus theory saw soil as something that needed to be fed. but no, it needed in fusions of these chemical, mineral elements. nitrogen would be the trickiest one. but as luck would have it, just as liebig was writing his major treatise on the subject in 1840, and industry was beginning to capitalize on a remarkable new sort of concentrated, mineable, nitrogen, that came from an unlikely, remote place. these islands called the chincha islands. anyone know where these islands are? >> i would like to ask where these islands are located? [laughter] prof. sutter: anyone know? >> they're located off the coast of peru. prof. sutter: i will show you a map later. it is a very small island, three of them granite, off the coast of southwest peru. best known as hosts for massive colonies of sea birds, cormorants, pelicans, who wo