when i was 13 years old or 14 years old, i started to get proficient in perl, php, a little bit of c, just enough to do a little damage. one of the first things that drew me into it were these personal identities people were creating for themselves. i saw the aol profiles and away messages. i saw that in the websites people were building. i really loved that expression, that identity. the idea this could be a place to create something that represented you. >> you dropped out of high school when you were how old? >> after my freshman year, when i was 15. >> you were homeschooled. >> computer science education in high school, at least in new york city, 14 years ago when i was in school really did not exist. it just didn't back then, it just wasn't in high schools. now it is there in a huge way. kids are learning to code in grade school. i always insist that you stick around. if you have that stuff at your disposal, hang out and spend time with teachers who are proficient and can help you get started. that is something i did not have. >> i spoke to many founders who dropped out and made