we check it out working where exercise physicianologist at the hospital for special surgery in new yorksee, would we burn more calories wearing this special clothing? >> someone was doing the same exact work and all you did was change what the person was wearing, you could get an idea of whether the coloring might have any impact. >> i am wearing standard work out clothing and my producer is in the special clothing. >> left accurate way is to measure calories and after a warm-up of 30 minutes and a jog at a constant speed the next morning we reach the same work out. but this time, i'm wearing the special outfit. what did we find? >> one case, no difference whatever. >> polly said, i burned three calories less in the special outfit and our producer borned 17 more calories, 8 percent difference. why could that be? >> adjusting things a little bit more and every moment counts and the other has to do with the clothing, but, you know, that remains to be seen. >> on the wednesday, they cite three studies where 50 women burned on average between 6 percent and 11 percent more 8:00rys in the spe