continual decrease in primary care and that includes family practitioners, psychiatrists, emergency room physicisre students are going to want to go to specialties that will offer higher pay. sean: she is worried she may not be able to pay back her student loans. she addressed this concern with president obama directly. >> i will be in about $300,000 in medical education debt. >> you would like to go into primary care. >> that was my primary motivation. >> you know you will be paid back at a lesser level? >> yes. i want to go back and serve my communities, it's going to make it that more challenging. sean: will anyone still want to be a doctor? >> most of these individuals did not go into medicine to make a substandard living for a physician. >> it doesn't seem like it is going to be a winning situation for providers, hospitals, private insurance companies as well as patients, because patients won't be able to get the care that they want. sean: why is that so important? >> that's what medicine should be all about, to provide the kind of care to our patients that we would want provided to us and t