picaso. picas. >> i heard of this. people find paintings under worthless ones.e worth mills. man. >> we'll buy it back. >> time for me to get back to school and pretend that i care. >> hold on, we sold you this painting by mistake. we need to buy it back. >> sure. i'll sell it back to you for 6 -- hundred dollars. >> how did the price go up so fast? >> simple, it became mine. >> let me confer with my colleagues. >> okay, you do that. >> come here. >> split the money three ways? >> wait, wait, $600 is a lot of money. we don't have that kind of cash. do you think he'll take credit card? >> oh, he does. >> does it matter if it says martha jefferson on it? >> hey, that's not your credit card. >> not yours either. >> oh, yeah! ♪ >> what are you doing? >> waiting for your prom date? >> these are my bodyguard threads. you like it, huh? >> not many people can pull that off. >> yeah? >> yeah. >> so you should probably go to the lock ever room and pull that off. >> i would, but i have a really important job to do. i can't lose my post. marcus needs a real man to protect h