miss picazio, thank you for being with us.at exactly are the nature of the charges your client is leveling against the child's father? >> that would be physical abuse of both children as well as an unfit home. we have also gone to dcf and explained all the facts that we've gotten from the community members who have come to us. we have checked and double-checked these facts. we felt that it has risen to the level where we needed to go to the department of children and family because we felt that the welfare of the child, junior, who remains in the cummings household, is in danger. >> miss picazio, what exactly is the nature of the alleged abuse you are claiming against ronald cummings on haleigh and junior, ronald, jr.? >> physical abuse. >> what? >> child abuse. >> spanking? slapping? beating? locking in a closet? burning with cigarettes? what? what are you alleging? what is the specific act that ronald cummings allegedly did? >> we have, again, gone to dcf and given the specific incidents of abuse. it would be hitting. hittin