>> piccard: yes. really impressive for me as a kid, because i was reading in the history books all the stories about the earth being flat, being round or whatever. and my grandfather came back and said, "i saw the curvature of the earth with my eyes." so, once you live this as a kid, of course, you want to continue into that field of exploration. >> simon: and he did. in 1992, bertrand entered and won the first-ever transatlantic balloon race. seven years later, he entered a much more demanding race, flying around the world in a balloon non-stop in three weeks. >> breitling orbiter three... >> simon: bertrand landed in the egyptian desert just in time. he was almost out of fuel, had almost fallen from the sky like icarus. his balloon capsule is now on display at the air and space museum at the smithsonian in washington, right there with the wright brothers' plane, lindberg's plane, the "spirit of saint louis," and the apollo 11 space capsule. bertrand hopes "solar impulse" will eventually have a home