the psons th are now taking advantage of whatthe parks ofer, the water and the hills, thelaces for pickney-- picnicking, etc. tend not be right but african-american and hspanic. i did my informal research before my cversation withyou and is onef the last vestig in the countryhere you do not have to send a lot of money to get in, where you a next to god, there is nature, kids ca run arnd and the rangers are there to protec you d your kids arnot going to get harmed, etc. contextuale that for me wth regard t these theories you have? >> you have said it better than anyone could. i was just in yosemite anwe went to bridlevale falls a there was a little 4ear-old hispan girl. she did not kn where she was. she was just raising up to this ple. i was in tears. shwas probably fom the central vall. it is cheap now. the national parks tive during our great depression not justecause of the nw deal. the civilianonservation corps set up 10 cans within three months, eloying thounds of young men sending money ck to the americans ande could not get a ailer to katrina victs, let's remember that. it is about i