so, now he's trying to say that he's going to be illegally evicted by the com piectiontionv board. we're not evicting him at all. we're just going to comply with [speaker not understood]. that's it. i told him it's not a legal bedroom. it's not authorized to be used as a bedroom. [speaker not understood], it's a storage room and a laundry room plus the bathroom. that's it. we're not putting him out or displacing him in any way. so, just simply complying with the order of the department of building inspection violation of this. and that's it. >> yeah. >>> i didn't see any [speaker not understood] he keeps using this illegal eviction to derail the process, the permit process. but there's no such de elevation. >> you have a current lease with how many current people who are on the lease? >> well, the last lease that we had was seven-year. we had only four people only. >>> it is not on the lease [speaker not understood]. >> but you were aware he was living there since that lease was signed? >>> yes, right. >> where was he living prior to moving to the basement? >>> i believe he lived u