piedmont boutique designs and manufacturers an amount of its inventory in the u.s. and piedmont boutique is offering highly customer services and guidance for its patrons who are wide ranging with regard to race, gender identity and social economic background. piedmont boutique continuously given back to the community it serves, providing outfits and costumes for local events such as the annual usf drag show and donating gift certificates and offering discounting to local schools and different charity events. staff is supportive of this application and a resolution recommending the business be added to the legacy business registry. the second legacy business april application is for outpost studios, a 26-year-old music and film editing and recording studio in the waterfront area of district 3 north beach neighborhood. outpost studios was pounded in 1996 by dave nelson who still owns it today and partnership with josh and joe benny. staff would like to note though this business is less than 30 years old, it qualifies for listing on the legacy business registry becaus